Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The two teams

The two teams Rocket and Galactic have things that are the same and different. First of all, they are both teams. The two teams group together to do evil things. Next, the two teams wear uniforms. The team uniforms have an R and a G on them, standing for Rocket and Galactic. Then, there are different team members. Rocket has Jess, James, Butch, Cassidy and Giovanni. Galactic team members are Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and Cyrus. Finally, they use Pokémon for different things. Rocket steals Pokémon and gives them to their boss, while Galactic uses them for evil. Of the two teams, I like Galactic more!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Pokèmon Rules!

   Pokemon is the best game ever.  First, you can play it for a very long time because it is addicting.  You could even play it for two whole months.  Next, the game has good graphics because the Pokèmon have good sprites.  Sprites are two dimensional versions of the characters.  Additionally, music in Pokèmon is very intense when you are battling the very last Pokèmon.  This makes you want to move!  Last, you catch, train, and battle with the Pokèmon.  It’s fun!  If you play, you will never get bored!